THE END OF AN ERA AT SPECIAL K RANCH!! Early Sunday morning July 26, 2009, the hugemongous horned Texas Longhorn tropy steer Special K Woodrow passed away quietly at the age of 13 years and 2 months. His final horn measurement was an impressive 99 1/2 inches tip to tip!!! Woodrow the many times Region 4 ITLA Grand Champion Trophy Steer and International Grand Champion Trophy Steer will be memorialized in a full head mount that will grace the home of owner Kent Krutsinger in rural Chariton, Iowa. Woodrow joins other ranch standouts Special K Fuzzy Navel and her dam Ranger's Grape who have similarly been memorilized in like fashion. Woodrow has attained his final stature as THE ULTIMATE TROPHY STEER and will forever be remembered as such. Pasture mates Special K Commencheros and Special K Rio Lobo and friends will continue the fine tradition of awesome trophy steers here at the Special K. Woodrow was and will always be a once in a lifetime individual of esteem and great stature in horn and personality plus.
1 comment:
Sorry for the loss of your steer, Macayla is in the pic from the fair parade last year and told me about him... He was beautiful! Dont think I have ever seen one that big!
Misty Rhodes
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